7 Beautiful Native Canadian Plants to Grow by Province

Local Benefits

This adaptation makes these plants more adapted to your region's weather and soil and attract native butterflies, birds, and pollinators.

British Columbia: Pacific Dogwood

In western North America, the Pacific dogwood is a deciduous tree whose delicate white blossoms are British Columbia's state flower. Cutting down a dogwood tree is banned.

British Columbia: Broad-Leaved Stonecrop

Broad-leaved stonecrop, which grows solely along the coast from BC to California, succeeds in the West Coast lifestyle for British Columbia native plants.

Alberta: Lodgepole Pine

Pine trees, which are associated with the holidays, are also a defining feature of western Canada. The evergreen lodgepole pine, Alberta's official provincial tree, is prevalent throughout western Alberta.

Alberta: Labrador Tea

Labrador tea, a rhododendron plant found in Alberta woodlands, blooms white in spring and summer. The Labrador tea is a magnificent ornamental shrub that thrives in damp, swampy regions.

Saskatchewan: Narrow-Leaf Coneflower

Purple-petalled narrow-leaf coneflowers brighten Saskatchewan's native vegetation. Like many spring flowers, this flower has several benefits.

Saskatchewan: Marsh Marigold

Marsh marigolds, another Saskatchewan native, are bright yellow and unmellow. Marshes are ideal for this perennial plant, which blooms in spring and summer.