8 Plants That Make the Most Thoughtful Housewarming Gifts

Snake Plant

The slender snake plant, often called viper's bowstring hemp or mother-in-law's tongue, comes from tropical West Africa. It removes four of the five primary pollutants present in homes, making it a popular air purifier.



Haworthia plants, native to southern Africa, are safer than aloes, which may poison dogs and children. Haworthia, a succulent that resembles a miniature aloe, is a great present for friends with kids or dogs.


Polka Dot Plant

This lovely plant is known for its pink leaf patterns. The excellent complement to any house, it adds color. It can grow up to three feet tall in its native environment, but inside it stays considerably smaller.


Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

Pothos are underappreciated houseplants and terrific gifts. They thrive in bright indirect and low light. These common plants have unusual leaf forms and multicolored foliage, yet they're still inexpensive.


Citrus Tree

According to Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural concept, a citrus tree brings luck and positivity. It promotes happiness and wealth to a house, making it a beautiful and considerate addition.


Prayer Plant (Maranta Leuconeura)

The prayer plant is named for its elegant nighttime leaf folding, which resembles hands joined in prayer. Brazilian jungles produce this plant, which thrives in bright, indirect sunshine and high humidity.


Orchid (Orchidaceae)

About 28,000 orchid species exist. They are all difficult to care for, as their reputation suggests. They thrive in direct sunshine but are heat-sensitive. On the bright side, orchids only require weekly watering.


Corn Plant or Fortune Plant

Dracaena Fragrans, the Corn Plant or Fortune Plant, is a wonderful housewarming present. The popular indoor plant promotes luck and positivity in new homes. Its brilliant foliage and simple care provide long-lasting beauty.
